Writing Resources

We have writing resources to share - all are available online, in our offices, or through the libraries.


Comprehensive Guide

"Writing in the Health Sciences: A Comprehensive Guide" is an online journal devoted to writing in the health sciences and social work disciplines, from the narrowly biomedical to the broadly sociocultural. Individual guides offer advice and practical strategies to meet the needs of both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as health professionals and researchers seeking to improve their professional writing.

Access to the Guide is free to all. We ask only that you consult our Fair Use policy in regard to photcopying the materials.


Writing at University of Toronto

The University of Toronto Writing website has online handouts on topics ranging from understanding your assignment to grammar instruction and more.


Handbooks, Guides, Research, and more

We have a variety of books, handbooks, guides, and journals on writing -- everything from APA style to writing pedagogy for faculty members. We can direct you to the resources that will help you achieve your writing goals.


Writing Websites

Here are our favourite writing websites.